All work is goin well down here I've finally got a computer workin - I found one at the waste site nearby and I've connected it directly to the BT line.
Also - I've been snorkellin below the sunborn yaught hotel near to Exchell Centre - I've been using the road drill to make some holes in it - a few more goes and I think I'll have sunk it - already it is takin on water!
I can't believe they haven't noticed - anyway I'm gonna send them an anonymous letter in the post tommorow telling them they better clear all the guests out cos the boat is sinkin - cos I don't want to hurt the businessmen that are stayin there I just want to get rid of them and get this place back to reality like I've said before.
One other good thing is that the computer has some moosic software on it so I'm really excited to announce that I have done a song!! The song (please download below) is to encourage everyone to take up the underground life, to just 'grab that spade' - just do it - it's exactly the way to go - it's almost like some kind of football song but it's actually much more important cos this song is about how the below people are gonna save that world up there how we gonna make it blossom again - back to olden times of the past.
I have planted the first seed of change and I need all of you to water it and add manure and more seeds so we grow a big change sprouting from the Thames Gateway - sprouting from the influence of my companion Pip - come one, come all it's time to expand this underground world - this safe under current and take that surface back to the simple park that it was and should be.
My new friend Jane is doing really well and is now living in her own shelter (she went for my white goods shelter design) - in MFB TV pt 2 (coming in a few weeks!) I will be interviewin her about the ups and downs and experiences of livin below. See you soon - MFB
Download MY MFB SONG!