I've just returned from 3 terrible days on the edge of a new place called 'Stratford City'.
Truly one of the most terrifying and sickening places I have ever seen. They say it will be a 'new city'
with nearly 200 acres in area - but this was once simple farmland with workers cottages
and children playing happily in the woodlands.
I feel that I am surrounded on all sides and there is so much to do here to make the thames gateway back to hows it once was in better times. The only way forward is to build a community below Stratford City and like what I'm doing everywhere else - dismantle everything on the top - lets turn stratford city back into the farm and forests that it once was.
I tunnelled under the main fence of the building site yesterday and planted a small sycamore tree
I'm hoping it's gonna grow very quickly - it's our first step to taking this area back. Also I removed a 3 foot high brick wall that had just been built and I planted some carrot seeds where it had been - again I hope these carrots grow quickly - part of the area beneath stratford city was a market garden once growing veg and strawberies etc - my carrot plant is a starting point for bringing back this market garden. People can live in their safe underground shelters and all have jobs working in the market garden and picking fruit etc.
The land will become healthly and so will the people - everyone and every thing will return to a simple life. Please help me to fix stratford city before it fixes us. Tommorrow - I am crawling over to the Isle of Sheppey - right at the end of the Thames Gateway this is the final piece of the jigsaw.